PDF of call for papers

Second call for papers



ISPAC 2013 Final Call for Papers

New Orleans, Louisiana, June 10-12, 2013

Short Course, June 9, 2013

ISPAC 2013 is shaping up to be a dynamic, interdisciplinary, and state-of-the-art event in New Orleans.

We will accept abstracts in all fields on polymer analysis and characterization; The preliminary program and list of main ISPAC 2013 focus areas is given below. Topics will include fundamental studies and applications but all have a strong focus on polymer analysis and characterization.

Provisions will also be made at ISPAC 2013 for job seekers and potential employers to meet.

Abstracts should be submitted for contributed, oral lectures (15 minutes each) and poster presentations. We will assume that the primary author will be the presenter.  The final deadline for all abstract submissions is March 15, 2013.

You are able to upload your abstract online here or go to


Poster presentations and oral presentations in all areas of polymer analysis and characterization are invited.  Oral presentations will be accepted on a competitive, refereed basis.

All abstracts will be included in the Conference Notes to be provided to participants.

Please note there is also a Short Course on Polymer Characterization and Analysis on Sunday June 9, 2013.  Details are at



ONLINE REGISTRATION IS ACTIVE!  Please complete the online registration form accessible at the following address:



There is also an online payment portal through PayPal for those wishing make payment online.  Other payment methods are available and discussed at the registration link above.


The Early Registration Deadline is April 15th.


The conference venue will be the historic Hotel Monteleone in the French Quarter.  The room block rate is $165/night and is available 3 days pre and post the conference dates.  More information on accommodations, link to the hotel block and hotel contact information can be found here:  http://www.ispac-conferences.org/ISPAC-2013-accommodation.aspx


A list of activities for accompanying people will also be posted to the website soon.


Below is the Preliminary Program, subject to update and changes


The preliminary Program, subject to update and changes, can be seen here:  http://www.ispac-conferences.org/ISPAC-2013-scientific-program.aspx




Focus areas at ISPAC 2013

i)   Latest developments in polymer separations and chromatography

Interactive chromatography

Multi-dimensional and hyphenated GPC

Field Flow Fractionation

ii) Scattering and spectroscopic methods for polymer analysis and characterization

X-ray scattering

Neutron scattering

Light scattering (including DLS, SLS and electrophoretic LS)

Electronmicroscopy and AFM

Various spectroscopies, including NMR, IR, Raman

iii)  Modeling/computational approaches to polymer analysis and characterization and comparison with experimental methods

Predicting polymer macroscopic properties from molecular level characterization

Rheological and thermal analysis of polymers and associated modeling

Applications to Polyolefins

Online monitoring and process control of polymerization reactions

iv)  Characterization of therapeutic proteins and delivery systems.

    Characterization of therapeutic antibodies and protein higher order structure

    Characterization of protein aggregates in drug product development

 Characterization challenges for protein formulations from low to high concentration

 Computational characterization of protein structure and interactions

v)  Current challenges in analysis and characterization for new polymers and natural products

Stimuli responsive polymers

Natural products        


Hybrid nanoparticles


Pharmaceutical drug delivery agents