The conference fee includes access to the scientific sessions and to the exhibits, all planned meals, coffee breaks, conference registration token, and a copy of the Book of Abstracts and program.
Participants who want to attend the short courses will have to pay the full day short course fee.
For accommodation arrangements please refer to the accommodation page.
For participants who need a Visa to visit Singapore, please contact us for the letter of invitation. E-mail at anytime for more information.
Charges Summary/ Symposium Registration
Early Bird Registration
By April 30, 2016
Regular Registration Fees
After April 30, 2016
S$ 600
S$ 800
Conference only
S$ 200
S$ 400
Full day short course only
S$ 800
S$ 1100
S$ 300
S$ 400
Conference only
S$ 100
S$ 200
Full day short course only
S$ 400
S$ 600
Confirmation of student status is required by the research director (Ph.D. or MSc. advisor).
Additional charges apply for *accompanying members attending the Banquet Dinner and River Tour (SGD$ 140 per pax).
*Accompanying members are the people who accompany the participants at the conference but do not follow the scientific/technical program of the conference.
Registration is closed.
Payment options
1. Online by credit card
Credit card payments will be processed via the secure site of Worldpay.
2. Direct bank transfer/Via telegraphic transfer
Nanyang Technological University |
Name of bank & branch:
OCBC Bank (NTU Branch) |
Bank Account:
7339-537-010027-001 |
Swift Code:
Bank Address:
65 Chulia Street, OCBC Centre Singapore 049513
3. Cheque payment
The cheque should be made payable to “Nanyang Technological University” and mailed to:
Nanyang Technological University
School of Materials Science and Engineering
MSE General Office Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798