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Bethesda, USA, June 3 - 6, 2018
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel
ISPAC 2018 
31st International Symposium on Polymer Analysis
and Characterization
Bethesda, USA
June 3 - 6, 2018
ISPAC 2018 Venue: Bethesda, Maryland

Date: Sunday, 3 June 2018


Emerging Trends in Polymer Characterization



Breakfast – Linden Oak


Registration, All Day – Brookside Foyer


Neutron and X-ray Techniques

Brookside A

Advances in Polymer Characterization

Brookside B

9:00 AM

Elastic Scattering Methods for Characterizing Structure 

Michael Hore, Case Western Reserve University

Introduction to interaction-based separations: IC, LCCC and 2D-LC

Taihyun Chang, Pohang University

10:30 AM


10:45 AM

Inelastic scattering methods for characterizing mobility

Yun Liu, NIST

Introduction to size-based separations: SEC, HDC, FFF, and detection methods

Andre Striegel, NIST

12:00 PM

Lunch (Linden Oak)

1:00 PM

Imaging Soft Materials with X-rays and Neutrons

Daniel Hussey, NIST

Emerging Trends in Rheology

Anthony Kotula, NIST

2:30 PM

Refreshment Pause

2:45 PM

Rheology and Small Angle Scattering

Kathleen Weigandt, NIST

Polymer Science and Advanced Solid State NMR

Ryan Nieuwendaal, NIST

6:00 PM

Reception  – Forest Glen