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Bethesda, USA, June 3 - 6, 2018
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel
ISPAC 2018 
31st International Symposium on Polymer Analysis
and Characterization
Bethesda, USA
June 3 - 6, 2018
ISPAC 2018 Venue: Bethesda, Maryland

Wyatt-Technology is Principal Sponsor of ISPAC 2018


Dow Chemical is Principal Sponsor of ISPAC 2018.


Pfizer is Principal Sponsor of ISPAC 2018.


ExxonMobill is Principal Sponsor of ISPAC 2018.


Waters is Major Exhibitor Sponsor of ISPAC 2018.

TOSOH Bioscience is Major Exhibitor Sponsor of ISPAC 2018.


Braskem is Sponsor of ISPAC 2018.

Ondax is Exhibitor Sponsor of ISPAC 2018.

POSTNOVA is Exhibitor Sponsor of ISPAC 2018.

Malverns Panalytical is Exhibitor Sponsor of ISPAC 2018.



Polymer Standards Service is Exhibitor Sponsor of ISPAC 2018. is Exhibitor Sponsor of ISPAC 2018.


 Bruker is Exhibitor of ISPAC 2018.

TA Instruments is Exhibitor of ISPAC 2018.

Polymer Char is Friend of ISPAC 2018.

MDPI is Friend of ISPAC 2018.