

Prof. Clemens Schwarzinger is speaker of the Short Course of ISPAC 2019.

Prof. Clemens Schwarzinger

Polymer characterization based on thermal degradation

Johannes Kepler University


Prof. Masao Doi is speaker on the Short Course of ISPAC 2019.

Prof. Masao Doi

Polymer Rheology - viscosity, elasticity and viscoelasticity

Beihang University



Prof. Roberto Simonutti is speaker of the Short Course of ISPAC 2019.

Prof. Roberto Simonutti

Solid state NMR at high and Low Field in Polymer Science:
from Microstructure to Morphology

University of Milano-Bicocca


Dr. Christian Kübel is speaker of the Short Course of ISPAC 2019.

Dr. Christian Kübel

Electron tomography - from fundamentals to application

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
