In 2023 we shall gather for the 34th ISPAC conference in Stellenbosch, South Africa. So far ISPAC meetings have been organized in a more-or-less circular way in Europe, North-America, and Asia. This is the first time that we shall hold the meeting in the African continent in Stellenbosch, with a distinguished history and great contributions to polymer science. With some delay due to COVID, at the previous meeting in Milano, Italy in 2022 we celebrated the Foundation of Polymer Science Centennial. In fact in 1920, Hermann Staudinger postulated for the first time that materials such as natural rubber have very high molecular weights. Hundred years of Polymer Science have shown the great impact of polymer analysis and characterization on our discipline. In fact, many breakthrough scientific discoveries would not have been possible without a precise knowledge of the molecular structure of polymers obtained by new syntheses. And without a precise understanding of the macromolecular structure (across the length scales and the thermodynamic phases) no structure-property relations, thus also no polymer technology would exist. We look forward to welcoming participants from all over the world to the jaw-droppingly beautiful place of Stellenbosch with a highly exciting program.